The SF-6D® provides a means for using the SF-36® and SF-12® in economic evaluation by estimating a preference-based single index measure for health from these data using general population values. The SF-6D® allows the analyst to obtain quality adjusted life years (QALYs) from the SF-36 for use in cost utility analysis.
In pharmacoeconomics, health utility scores are often used to compare the overall benefit of one pharmaceutical drug or therapy to another (or the status quo). The health utility score can be derived from the either the from the SF-36v2® Health Survey using the SF-6D® or the new standalone SF-6Dv2® Health Utility Survey.
Whether you’ve used patient-reported outcome (PRO) health surveys before to measure functional health and well-being, or you’re just starting out, the SF-6D® can help your team make informed decisions at every point in your product’s lifecycle.
Contact us for a review of our capabilities by phone at (800) 572-9394 or by filing out the form below. For Academic organizations click here.