QM COAs can help capture slowed decline in physical functioning and well-being. Learn how to illuminate the impact of cancer treatments and therapies using COA measures in a free oncology-focused guide.

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SF-6D® Health Utility

A preference-based single index measure of health calculating QALYs from the SF-36® and SF-12®

The SF-6D® provides a means for using the SF-36® and SF-12® in economic evaluation by estimating a preference-based single index measure for health from these data using general population values. The SF-6D® allows the analyst to obtain quality adjusted life years (QALYs) from the SF-36 for use in cost utility analysis.

In pharmacoeconomics, health utility scores are often used to compare the overall benefit of one pharmaceutical drug or therapy to another (or the status quo). The health utility score can be derived from the either the from the SF-36v2® Health Survey using the SF-6D® or the new standalone SF-6Dv2® Health Utility Survey.

Whether you’ve used patient-reported outcome (PRO) health surveys before to measure functional health and well-being, or you’re just starting out, the SF-6D® can help your team make informed decisions at every point in your product’s lifecycle.

Contact us for a review of our capabilities by phone at (800) 572-9394 or by filing out the form below. For Academic organizations click here.

Completion time:
1-2 minutes
Administered to:
Adults aged 18 and older
Recall periods:
4-week, 1-week
US English

Translations Available by Modes of Administration

If you need a translation in a specific language, consult with our translation team to determine a cost estimate and timeline that fits to your project needs.

Interviewer Script
Paper Form

Interpretation & Insights

Combining our eCOA Platform with research expertise, our consultants help your teams develop, validate, implement and analyze PROs with a custom approach. Our services ensure you gain the most meaningful insights on patient-reported data.

Health Utility
Efficacy Analysis
Norm-based Interpretation
of Treatment Effects

COA Platform for Data Collection, Scoring & Interpretation

Desktop Software

Our proprietary COA desktop software, which provides the ability to collect, score and interpret data for your study or program.

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Electronic Data Capture

A customizable cloud-based data collection and reporting portal for capturing data from patients or clinicians securely and accurately.

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Analytics Module

Our advanced reporting feature, built to seamlessly convert patient-reported data into reports with actionable insights.

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Scoring & Interpretation

Standardized solutions for scoring datasets with absolute accuracy and identifying errors that may impact interpretation of results.

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