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ITQOL: Infant Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire™

The Infant Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire™ (ITQOL) was developed for use in infants and toddlers from 12-months-to-5 years of age. The Infant Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire™ (ITQOL) adopts the World Health Organization’s definition of health, as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease. This legacy survey was initially developed for use in a randomized clinical trial following standard protocols, a thorough review of the infant health literature, and a review of developmental guidelines used by pediatricians. In a subsequent international study in the Netherlands, parents reported favorably on the specific ease of use, understandability, and acceptability of the ITQOL.

To License the ITQOL: Infant Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire™ or to speak to our experts about our capabilities, fill out the form or call us at (800) 572-9394.


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Survey License Application

Please answer the following questions and we will be in touch regarding your license

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QualityMetric is reviewing your application and will get back to you shortly with approval to move forward with a license to administer, collect, score, and interpret the data for your project/study.

Next steps:

If you have started administering the survey, please email a copy of the survey being administered to [email protected]. We will QA the form for any changes that may affect the scoring and interpretation of the data collected. (Fees may apply).

If you are applying for a student license, please email a copy of your student ID to [email protected].

There are two versions of the ITQOL – the 47-item short-form (ITQOL-SF47) and the 97-item full-length version (ITQOL). They measure the same concepts – just with fewer items. For each concept, item responses are scored, summed, and transformed on a scale from 0 (worst health) to 100 (best health). U.S. norms are now available for both the ITQOL-97 and ITQOL-SF47.

Completion times can vary depending on a complex host of issues such as the setting, context, age, cognitive functioning, language, layout, etc. There are some skip patterns as the Behavior Scales and Change in Health items are not appropriate for infants less than 12 months of age. Response options for both lengths of the ITQOL scales are five levels, with the exception of Parent-Time Limitations which is 4 levels.

Related Academic Research Thumbnail

View a comprehensive list of peer-reviewed manuscripts documenting the development, validation, use and effectiveness of the ITQOL: Infant Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire™. View Bibliography

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Completion time:
5–15 minutes
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Administered to:
12 months–5 years old
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Recall period:
Speech Bubble

Translations Available by Modes of Administration

Please select a mode for a full list of translations available within that mode. If you need a version in a language that is not listed, consult with our translation team to determine a cost estimate and timeline that fits to your project needs.

Translation Services
Interviewer Script
Paper Form
DCT Compatible