There are two versions of the ITQOL – the 47-item short-form (ITQOL-SF47) and the 97-item full-length version (ITQOL). They measure the same concepts – just with fewer items. For each concept, item responses are scored, summed, and transformed on a scale from 0 (worst health) to 100 (best health). U.S. norms are now available for both the ITQOL-97 and ITQOL-SF47.
Completion times can vary depending on a complex host of issues such as the setting, context, age, cognitive functioning, language, layout, etc. There are some skip patterns as the Behavior Scales and Change in Health items are not appropriate for infants less than 12 months of age. Response options for both lengths of the ITQOL scales are five levels, with the exception of Parent-Time Limitations which is 4 levels.